About Us
We deal with chestnut cultivation from all points of view
We have chosen to deal with chestnut cultivation because we believe it can produce sustainable, lasting and ethical development for our entire territory.

Our Cooperative Company
We have chosen the structure of a Cooperative Company in which each member is equal to the others, with equal rights, duties and opportunities
People every autumn
taste our roasted chestnuts at the famous ‘castagnate’
5 +
The varieties
of chestnuts grown by the Consortium
Passion for chestnuts
Respect for the territory
Willingness to collaborate
The most important moments
A story with so much more to tell
Come and discover chestnut cultivation with us
A taste of our forests
The heart of our work: recovering and maintaining these treasures of biodiversity, a tradition with deep roots, a wonderful landscape.
Come and visit us to discover the chestnut woods in every season, we will be able to guide you on an unexpected path.